Department Of School Education
He holds PhD in Cell and Molecular Biology and holding two MSc and MA (Political Sciences-IR). He has been awarded 4 time Iranian national techno-entrepreneurship award Sheikh Bahai by Minister of Science and Research, Iran and Young Entrepreneur from the Deputy Minister for Youth Affairs. He also has been Joint Secretary of Pakistan Muslim League N Lahore on the instruction of Mian Nawaz Sharif. Digital education has been started in many of the educational institution in Pakistan to utilize time efficiently during the current time. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the nation launched an educational television channel, Teleschool. School Of Education A second factor is the social pressure for equalizing educational opportunity between social classes, ethnic and racial groups, rural and urban populations, and the sexes. With the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic still raging, many education systems are still struggling, and the situation is constantly evolving. Socio-cultural demand-si...